Gram Swarajya Samiti Ghoshi (GSSG)

Our Initiatives

Thematic Areas

Support Agency

Achieved Milestones

Child Protection and Child rights Central Social Welfare Board New Delhi.
Save the Children.
District Health Society, Jehanabad
Andheri Hilfe, Germany
GSSG from its very inception has been working for betterment of children.
We have run creche cum preschool education center. For the children of poor working women. Under this program 155 children of 0-6 age group were got benefited. 
Organizing NFE Centre for the girl child of sex workers in Barh redlight area. 32 girl children were got benefited   after the one-year course they were enrolled in formal education systems.
Execution of helpline for women/children 55 victimized children and 36 women were got benefited in a year 23trafficked girl were rescued from different area of  Patna district.  
Organizing awareness program on child marriage, child sexual abuse, child trafficking and govt welfare schemes for the welfare of children among vulnerable community in the Modanganj block of Jehanabad district. 
Formation of a block level inter religious priest forum in Modanganj block of Jehanabad district for prevention of child marriage /child trafficking.
Organizing health checkup camp for the children in 12 primaries Schools in Jehanabad District and providing health card to the children. Apart from this organizing awareness activities on personal health and hygiene.
Execution of two NFE Centre for the out of school children /child labor .60 children of Mahadalit family were got benefitted.     
Solid Waste management Program Aga Khan Foundation, India & UK funded by European Union Two MRF Centers and one mini–Segregation Centre established. Three Nagar Parishads of Patna become cleaner as solid waste is reduced by 28% through promotion of home & temple composting and source segregation. Made ULBs accountable and strengthened their capacity for effective SWM which was non- existent previously. Due to our intervention the ranking of ULBs has upgraded in Swachh sarvekshan.
WASH Water Aid India & UK, Global Sanitation Fund, World Vision India, FANSA, UNICEF, Bihar, Power grid through GVT. 16 Villages were declared ODF, Reduction in Water borne diseases by 22 % from the baseline report, villagers in 25 villages are now able to take safe potable water. Ground water in 25 villages was recharged that resulted into functioning of drinking water sources in even summer seasons. Health Status of the people significantly improved. The Sanitation Behavior of Children and their Parents was improved by establishing Sanitary Complex in 10 Schools of Gaya District.
Livelihood Promotion / skill development. State and Central Govt., CRPF, Stitching Melania, Netherlands, Water Aid, World Vision India, AKF India, Center Welfare Board, Andheri Hilfe, Germany 60 women rag pickers were trained in mosquito net / readymade garments preparing and they were linked with market /wholesalers.   20 women are engaged with ULBs for their employment at MRF center danapur, 565 youths were trained in O&M of water sources who generated their self-employment, 30 youths were trained on motor driving and 60 youths were trained on diesel pump repairing who were self-employed in different ways. 115 girls and women were trained in cutting, tailoring and fabric painting who started their self-employment and enterprises. 17 masons were trained on construction of toilets, soak-pits and roof water harvesting structures that generated their gainful employment. Apart from it, 30 persons each were trained in footwear repairing and Radio, TV and mobile repairing who got their Employment. 30 Mahad alit women were trained in tailoring cutting and they were earning Rs six thousand to seven thousand per month.
  Public Health   ADRA India, Voluntary Health Association of India New Delhi, Reach, New Delhi, State and Central Government, C3 (Center for Catalyzing Change) About 4573 persons were diagnosed TB who were helped to be cure. 5 villages were declared TB-free village. A TB Mukta Vahini Network of TB Survivors was formed that supports the Govt. RNTCP program, 12 filarial patients and about 125 Dengue patients, 16 Leprosy patients were referred and supported in
their treatment at Govt. Hospitals. Different stakeholders like PRIs members, SHG members, CBOs members, ASHA, ANM, TB Champions were orientated on prevention on TB, Kalazar, Filaria and Dengue in Arval and Jehanabad
district of Bihar.
RCH and Family Planning MoHFW, Govt. of India, Global Health Strategy About 165 eligible couples were contracted through permanent methods of tubectomy and vasectomy, 3367 eligible couples adopted the birth spacing methods, the IMR and MMR were reduced significantly in the project area. We have also involved religious leaders in family planning program. Our many religious leaders who have supported seriously in family planning program. They were
appreciated and honored by government, National and
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