We believe in democratic values which govern our action and decision. The organization has sound governance structure led by General Body (GB) that works in the leadership of the President. Apart from deciding policy matters, the GB approves, long term plan, annual plan, budgetary allocations and annual report and audited statements, presented in its annual meeting by the Executive Committee.
GSSG has 11-membered Executive Committee (EC) with a proper gender balance. The Members of EC are elected by the GB. EC formulates working strategies and approaches in quarterly meetings and takes approval of it from the GB.
The Secretary is the key position in the EC who is the Chief Executive Officer CEO) of the organization and who is responsible to execute the given decisions of EC and GB. His/her organizational obligation is to ensure implementation of programs following democratic procedures with due diligence.
There are Program Managers/Coordinators and Thematic Experts who follow the decision of EC/Secretary and ensure all the compliances through planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring of the programs and projects. A good no. of program and field staff provides their valuable support and inputs in the program management. These staff play their important roles with due responsibility. Thus, the governance of the programs /projects is ensured for achieving the desired objectives.