Reproductive & child health (RCH)
Prior to NRHM state resources were not sufficient for RCH care. . Community expected RCH services. We complemented the Gap in our programme location. The objective of the program was to reduce maternal & child mortality and morbidity rate. Other important theme of our services was promoting reproductive and sexual health of girls, AIDS & STD education, and Gender equality promotion. We concentrated over pregnant mothers having less than 3 children as our focus group. The little effective for health care services were strengthened & mothers were in encouraged to avail RCH services at the nearby PHC or health post.
We conducted many training to Traditional birth attendants and improved their skills of Safe Ante natal, delivery and post natal care. Later on when state increase resources in this sector, we started supporting ASHA and ANM in community mobilization activities. Our volunteer constantly worked for Polio Pulse Programme in Jehanabad district of Bihar.
Community Level Intervention program on TB Control in Jehanabad & Arwal District (supported by VHAI under Global Fund Project & ADRA India under Global Fund Programme)
TB is the main killer of villagers in middle Bihar. Life style congested housing, less awareness, quackery; stigma attached to patient is some of the reason that makes the scene more complex. Social sector organizations are also not very much interested in combat activities in middle Bihar due to its contagious nature and fear of injury to their community workers.
In year 2010-11, GSSG realign its Health care intervention in Programme village of Arwal and Jehanabad district of Bihar and decided to work for prevention and control of killer diseases like TB, Malaria and Kala Zar. Altogether there was pressing demand of people of our programme village to assist communities in combating disease like TB in the villages. GSSG took initiative to raise awareness against TB spread in programme villages in Jehanabad and Arwal district. Fortunately from year 2011, ADRA India came forward & initiated support for the noble cause under Axshya India Global Fund Round – 9. GSSG organized community level sensitization meeting in 154 villages of under Arwal TU. We in year 2013-14 focus on Prevention of stigma & discrimination against TB Patients. We also worked for injury reduction education among care taker/ Front line worker of TB programme. We discussed TB prevention & treatment, multiple drug resistant TB, prevention and cure measures, HIV&TB etc. along with our community. The community worker discussed in details symptoms of suspect case as chronic cough & mild fever; chest pain; loss of weight and appetite, coughing with blood stain, tiredness. Communities were informed about DOTs and free treatment & medicine. Many suspected patients as well people were referred to Arwal DTC for 2 sputum examining. The TB Forum represented by front line worker, Government doctor, TB Patient & Journalists was mobilized to continue the effort of TB Control. We replicated learning of our Arwal Programme of TB Control in neighboring Jehanabad district. We in Jehanabad mobilized village health and sanitation committee in Ghoshi and Modanganj of Jehanabad districts. Total 64 villages had been covered under the programme.
Coordinator is telling how to eradicate/fight with TB in the community meeting
The worthy experience of our TB control programme is massive drive for Voluntary counseling & testing of TB. Till date 672 suspect including women and children get their sputum tested and the positive patient had been linked to State run dot centre. Almost 62 persons tested positive. The follow-up of medication had been done.
Social Mobilization for Malaria and Kala-azar control amongst vulnerable communities
Kala Azar is one of the main killer of rural community depend on agriculture and animal husbandry. Community groups that get affected belong to extremely Dalit background. Mushhars one who reside with their pigs are the most vulnerable to this deadly disease. Fortunately there are proved cure of the disease. Unfortunately the victim approach qualified Heath care facility at terminal stage .
We with modest assistance of Voluntary Health Association of India through Bihar Voluntary Health Association Patna under World Bank Project executed Kal-azar control program in 13 villages (around 15000 populations) in 2 blocks i.e. Jehanabad Sadar and Ratni Faridpur of Jehanabad district. We extended this programme in 10 more backward villages i.e. Bansi and Karpi block of Arwal district. We under this programme educated vulnerable community about the preventive measures of Kala- azar in communities. Moreover we discussed the symptoms of suspect cases and treatment support from state health machinery. We conducted following actions this year: Periodic Community meeting with women, children, youth, senior citizens, CBOs etc. We conducted home visit and one to one counseling to vulnerable families. We organized school campaign through which children & teachers were sensitized on prevention of this disease. Total 5 school campaigns were organized in said districts. We also helped & get helped by ASHA, ANM, Anganwadi worker and RMPs- in sensitization of community about the disease. Here it is noteworthy that 58 above said stakeholders get benefited from one training program organized in each district during previous years.