Gram Swarajya Samiti Ghoshi (GSSG)

Integrated Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion Program.

  1. Water and sanitation program assisted by Water Aid India

Bihar has witnessed high growth in terms of public infrastructure creation. Unfortunately this had not been displayed in all sectors. Water and Sanitation Sector is still GSSG from last One and half decades is raising voice and helping target community to overcome the WASH challenge. Advocacy and Service delivery are two areas in which we made our Endeavour in past. 32 Villages were declared ODF, Reduction in Water borne diseases by 22% from the baseline report; villagers in 25 villages are now able to take safe potable water. Ground water in 25 villages was recharged that resulted into functioning of drinking water sources in even summer seasons. Health Status of the people significantly improved.

WASH stake holders like Panchayati Raj Institution, district administration, water and sanitation committee, women self help groups, school children’s group and the direct

beneficiary were engaged in this program. The key components were related to capacity building of CBOs, advocacy and networking, school sanitation and safe drinking water supply, construction/renovation of drinking water structure, construction of low cost latrines; recycle of organic waste and waste water etc.  A few outputs of the project is as following :

  • 32 strong village level WATSAN committees has been formed
  • At least 78 advocacy visits has been done to various layers of state & legislatures
  • Villagers have now there own strategic plan on WATSAN activities
  • Meaning full change has come out in Behavior of children and families. They are Aware about safe hand
  • 558 women self help group has been Developed and linked to bankers in this Project
  • 3150 low cost latrines has been constructed in poor house hold
  • Construction of Balwadi Toilet 2
  • Construction of Urinal in Schools 5
  • 14 New hand pumps were installed in target villages
  • P. Repairing 536
  • FLP 2
  • Roof water harvesting 4
  • San Well 5
  • Pond Desalting 5
  • P. Platform 39
  • Washing Platform 56
  • Soak Pit 62
  • Compost Pit NADEP Model 30
  • Kitchen Garden 130
  • Iron Removal Plant 2
  • Spare Bank System 1
  • 253 hand pumps were repaired by our trained mechanic

The end of my life journey would be sweet now. An old woman showing her low cost toilet constructed under WATSAN program.


Nirmal Gram Abhiyan                                                                              Our trained mechanic repairing handpump

2. Public Private Partnership Model for Decentralized Hand Pumps operations and maintenance in India.

Based on the learning of Phase one activity (as described above ), Water aid assisted GSSG in this PPP model promotion in which we were partnering with them for Modanganj, Ghoshi & Kako blocks of Jehanabad District, Bihar. We made provision for the villagers to repair their pumps within 24 hours for uninterrupted supply of safe drinking water under this project. The Spirit of this program was inception of Lok Sahbhagita Kendra. The Kendra (Centre) was run by community. The Centre was running a spares bank. The bank was expected to make available needful spare at reasonable price as and when required by the house hold. Mechanics were deployed who were expected to attend the complaint within 24 hours. Mechanics were provided with motorcycle and camera to enable them to attend complains faster. Almost 1255 hand pumps were repaired, Water security plan had been developed in five villages & plans were implemented in two villages under this project.

We also driven Total sanitation campaign with the support of Bihar govt. under which Jehanabad & Arwal has been the target district. Nirmal Gram Abhiyan Program supported by CAPART Patna had been implemented in our Program area. Since last three years we are focusing our attention to Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan/SBMG to ensure every household access decent Toilet and the Program village become ODF. GSSG has been on forefront of Advocacy campaign led by Viswash (WASH network of Bihar).

3. School Sanitation Promotion Program: Under the flagship program of SBMG organization has constructed 10 school sanitary complex with the support of GVT under power grid CSR fund. The school toilets were constructed in different school of Atri block in Gaya District and behaviour change and hygiene promotion activities were also conducted in targeted schools.

4. “Piloting of ICT based public feedback systems-  Rapid pro in Gaya and other districts for promotion of sustainable WASH  Services” supported by UNICEF- Bihar. 

In addition to it, GSSG remained founder member of VISWASH, a state level network of NGOs working on WASH issues and its Chief Functionary was elected Convener of this forum and he is still holding this post. GSSG is coordinating agency of VISWASH Network and FANSA-Bihar. In last one decade this forum worked in entire state in effective manner under which software and hardware activities were done almost in all districts.

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